本软件尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权。为了给您提供更准确、更有个性化的服务,本软件会按照本隐私权政策的规定使用和披露您的个人信息。但本软件将以高度的勤勉、审慎义务对待这些信息。除本隐私权政策另有规定外,在未征得您事先许可的情况下,本软件不会将这些信息对外披露或向第三方提供。本软件会不时更新本隐私权政策。您在同意本软件服务使用协议之时,即视为您已经同意本隐私权政策全部内容。本隐私权政策属于本软件服务使用协议不可分割的一部分。 1.适用范围 a) 在您使用本软件时。 2.信息的使用 a) 本软件获取您的键盘鼠标和手柄输入,在后台进行处理将手柄输入映射为键盘鼠标输入,用于软件控制。 3.信息披露 a) 本软件会在本地存储您的信息,不会将您的信息披露给不受信任的第三方。 b)本软件尝试连接到软件网站主页以获得更新信息提示。过程中不会存储您的信息。 4.信息存储和交换 您的信息和资料不会被上传到云端服务器上,这些信息和资料也不会被传送至您所在国家、地区或本软件收集信息和资料所在地的境外并在境外被访问、存储和展示。 5.信息安全 本软件只有本地网络服务。如您发现自己的个人信息泄密,请您立即联络我们,以便采取相应措施。 This app respects and protects the privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, this app will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. However, this application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, this application will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. This app will update this privacy policy from time to time. By agreeing to this Application Services Use Agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Application Service Agreement. 1. Scope of application When you use this software. 2. Information use This software intercepts keyboard or gamepad inputs for controlling the software only. 3. Information disclosure a) This software does not store your personal information. b) This software will try to connect to software update service. None of the user's information will be transmited nor gathered. 4. Information storage and exchange The information and materials collected by you in this application will be stored on the computer where the application is installed. No personal information will be accessed, stored and displayed outside the country. 5. Information security This software only provide local network service. If you find your personal information security breached by this software. It may caused by malwares. You can contact us for help to clean this software.